Lately I have been getting questions about probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, especially your digestive system. There is a wide variety of probiotic supplements and foods. Today I thought I would introduce two options for probiotic beverages. Most people know about the probiotic benefits of yogurt, but two lesser known options are water kefir or kombucha.
Water kefir is a fermented beverage made with water kefir grains. Water kefir grains are used to culture sweetened water, fruit juice, or coconut water. The water kefir grains consist of bacteria and yeast existing in a symbiotic relationship. The term kefir grains are used to describe how the culture looks, however, it does not contain any grain products at all. This is especially good news for people who have sensitivity to gluten or other grains.
Kombucha is another fermented beverage that starts with a sweetened tea along with the addition of an active culture (also called a SCOBY: Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). The tea and culture is fermented for up to 30 days.
Kombucha is often thought of as an aid to digestion, whereas water kefir is considered a general probiotic beverage. Both beverages have beneficial digestive bacteria and enzymes, and both can be used as healthy sources of hydration. Consuming one or both is a matter of individual taste.
You can purchase bottled kefir water or kombucha in the supermarket or health food store. Some people like to ferment their own beverage. With the proper starting culture, you can easily add your own sugar, juice, or tea to make the drinks. My next blog post will tell you more about making your own probiotic beverages, so stay tuned!
Here is a recipe using Kefir Water to make a refreshing “Cocktail” without the added alcohol. I especially like serving this beverage in my beautiful copper mugs because they are perfect for are perfect for keeping drinks icy cold!
Kefir Watermelon Agua Fresca – Makes 2 Servings
1 ½ Cups cubed watermelon
4 oz. water
12 oz. Kefir Water – bottled (or home fermented)
½ oz. fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice
Mint Leaf Garnish

Add watermelon and water to blender and pulse until well blended. Place a strainer over a bowl and strain the blended melon.